The meeting of the extended Editorial Management Board of the EJPAU, including chairmen of editorial boards and secretaries of the EJPAU series was held in the Conference Hall of the Rector's Office of the Warsaw Agricultural University on 17 November 2000.

The opening address was made by Prof. Kazimierz Banasik, member of the Editorial Management Board on behalf of the Warsaw Agricultural University that hosted the event, and Prof. Jerzy Sobota, chairman of the EJPAU Editorial Management Board.

The meeting began with the presentation by chairmen of editorial boards of the series of the number of papers submitted to the EJPAU, and the number of web site visitors from May to October 2000.

A new series of Biotechnology with the editorial office at the Agricultural University of Wroc³aw was established and a provisional decision was made to move the Environmental Development series from Wroc³aw to Cracow.

The Editorial Management Board until the appointment of new editorial boards prolonged the term of office of the present editorial boards of the series, which expires December 31, 2000. It was resolved to extend the term of office of the editorial boards up to 5 years and to have chairmen of editorial boards appointed by the EJPAU Editorial Management Board.

The criteria qualifying the EJPAU for the Philadelphia List were discussed and technical editorial requirements for the papers were agreed in compliance with the standards of the Institute of Scientific Information in Philadelphia.

A decision was made to edit the volumes of the journal (1998, 1999 and 2000) on CD-ROM.

The present financial standing of the journal was discussed and the available funds were allocated to the editorial offices of the series.

The next meeting of the EJPAU Editorial Management Board will take place in Olsztyn.