Electronic Journal of Polish Agricultural Universities (EJPAU) founded by all Polish Agriculture Universities presents original papers and review articles relevant to all aspects of agricultural sciences. It is target for persons working both in science and industry,regulatory agencies or teaching in agricultural sector. Covered by IFIS Publishing (Food Science and Technology Abstracts), ELSEVIER Science - Food Science and Technology Program, CAS USA (Chemical Abstracts), CABI Publishing UK and ALPSP (Association of Learned and Professional Society Publisher - full membership). Presented in the Master List of Thomson ISI.
Volume 19
Issue 1
M±dry W. , Roszkowska-M±dra B. , Gozdowski D. , Hryniewski R. 2016. SOME ASPECTS OF THE CONCEPT, METHODOLOGY AND APPLICATION OF FARMING SYSTEM TYPOLOGY , EJPAU 19(1), #12.
Available Online: http://www.ejpau.media.pl/volume19/issue1/abs-12.html


Wiesław M±dry1, Barbara Roszkowska-M±dra2, Dariusz Gozdowski1, Ryszard Hryniewski3
1 Department of Experimental Design and Bioinformatics, Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW), Poland
2 Department of Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Economics and Management, Białystok University, Białystok, Poland
3 Department of Experimental Design and Bioinformatics, Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW, Poland



The paper reviews the farming system definition, methodology of farming system classification (typology) at farm or an area unit (mostly NUTS 5; NUTS – Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics) level using different types of data (survey, census and remote sensing data), and importance of this typology. The diversity of farming systems is a crucial issue in several studies related to agro-ecosystem and environmental management, policy implementation and rural development. In performing the farming system typology within a farmland area, hierarchical classification of respective units has been adopted in which the three following levels of the classification are considered: 1) the main type level, 2) the more oriented type level, and 3) the specific type level. Study of the farming systems typology at a spatial scale can be performed using expert or statistical methods. The last are mainly used to distinguishing specific types of farming systems within a more oriented farming system. The sampling of farms considered for the farming system typology may rely on geographical or administrative stratification. Data on the sampled farms are collected through surveys of farmers or national and EU (European Union) databases (e.g., the FADN database; FADN – Farm Accountancy Data Network). For farming system diversity assessment at an area unit level, data should be aggregated at the respective area unit scale. Expert methods are based on knowledge of guide researchers or agricultural extension experts supported by land cover maps and recorded databases. Farming system types are inferred from the statistical characteristics of the sampled farms or the entire set of the area units, obtained through multivariate methods such principal component analysis and cluster analysis. Assessment of farming system diversity and typology have become increasingly important in recent years because of their usefulness in developing flexible policies for public interventions and for the effective planning, discussion and support of proper pathways for the development of multifunctional and sustainable agricultural and rural areas. Comprehensive approaches that take into consideration various sources of data and track spatio-temporal changes in farming systems are highly valuable tools for achieving the sustainable development of rural areas.

Key words: farming systems, farm and area unit typology, farm household strategy, multivariate statistical methods, survey data.

Wiesław M±dry
Department of Experimental Design and Bioinformatics, Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW), Poland
Nowoursynowska 159
02-776 Warsaw

Barbara Roszkowska-M±dra
Department of Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Economics and Management, Białystok University, Białystok, Poland
Warszawska 63
15-062 Białystok

Dariusz Gozdowski
Department of Experimental Design and Bioinformatics, Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW), Poland
Nowoursynowska 159
02-776 Warsaw
Phone: +48 (22) 59 32 730
email: dariusz_gozdowski@sggw.pl

Ryszard Hryniewski
Department of Experimental Design and Bioinformatics, Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW, Poland
Nowoursynowska 159
02-776 Warsaw

Responses to this article, comments are invited and should be submitted within three months of the publication of the article. If accepted for publication, they will be published in the chapter headed 'Discussions' and hyperlinked to the article.