Electronic Journal of Polish Agricultural Universities (EJPAU) founded by all Polish Agriculture Universities presents original papers and review articles relevant to all aspects of agricultural sciences. It is target for persons working both in science and industry,regulatory agencies or teaching in agricultural sector. Covered by IFIS Publishing (Food Science and Technology Abstracts), ELSEVIER Science - Food Science and Technology Program, CAS USA (Chemical Abstracts), CABI Publishing UK and ALPSP (Association of Learned and Professional Society Publisher - full membership). Presented in the Master List of Thomson ISI.
Volume 17
Issue 3
Available Online: http://www.ejpau.media.pl/volume17/issue3/art-05.html


Katarzyna Styła
Institute for Agricultural and Forest Environment, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznań, Poland



In this study effect of long-term apple-tree cultivation and cultural practices as fertilization and irrigation performed in the orchard after replantation on the level of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), total organic carbon (TOC), hot water extractable organic carbon (CHWE), total nitrogen (N-total), ammonium (N-NH4+) and nitrate (N-NO3) ions in the soil was investigated. In the experiment, three irrigation and three fertilization levels were used. The amounts of IAA, TOC, CHWE, N-total, N-NH4+ and N-NO3 in soil almost always depended on the sampling period. Between fertilized and irrigated combinations originating from apple-tree orchard after replantation and Nowina there have not been confirmed differences in the contents of indole-3-acetic acid, hot water extractable organic carbon, N-total and ammonium ions. Plant cultivation for many years on the same site has not had a negative effect on the concentrations of these parameters in the orchard. Furthermore, the concentration of total organic carbon and yield of apple-tree cultivated after replantation was significantly lower, in comparison with locality after previous agricultural use (Nowina). The differences have been demonstrated in the amount of total organic carbon, hot water extractable organic carbon, N-total and pH among fertilized combinations of soil in the apple-tree orchard after replantation. Moreover, different levels of fertilizer had no significant effect on the content of indole-3-acetic acid, ammonium and nitrate ions in the soil and yield of fruits. The applied irrigation levels (-0.03 MPa, -0.01 MPa) exert an significant impact on the decrease of indole-3-acetic acid, hot water extractable organic carbon, ammonium and nitrate ions in the soil and yield of fruits in replanted orchard.

Key words: apple-tree cultivation, chemical compounds, fertilization, indole-3-acetic acid, irrigation, replantation.


CHWE – hot water extractable organic carbon
IAA – indole-3-acetic acid
N-NH4+ – ammonium ions
N-NO3 – nitrate ions
N-total – total nitrogen
TOC – total organic carbon
WHC – water holding capacity


Replantation frequently leads to soil sickness (soil fatigue) and thereby to a deterioration of the biochemical properties of soil. The phenomenon of dynamic unbalance resulting from the growing of the same species for many years on the same area. Its symptoms are particularly visible during a repeated planting of the same plant species. This problem may be caused by harmful biotic and abiotic factors which had accumulated in the soil during earlier cultures. Such situation leads to poor growth, delay in the start of fructification and in extreme cases to the death of trees [26, 27, 34–36, 38, 39]. Therefore, knowledge of the problem may be a great help in avoiding its negative effects on the productivity of newly established orchards [33]. Szczygieł [32] suggested that the limitation of negative results of disease can be exerted by rational fertilization and irrigation. Also, Zydlik and Pacholak [40] believe that agrotechnical treatments such as fertilization (including organic and mineral fertilization with nitrogen) as well as irrigation have a significant effect on the activity of soil microorganisms.

Development of fruit trees is conditioned by the degree of soil fertility which depends on the cooperation of biological, biochemical, chemical and physical soil properties. Microelements necessary to plants for correct development primarily include nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sulphur. Plants utilize primarily the resources of these elements which already are in the soil. In irrigated apple-tree orchard systems, the magnitude and timing of plant demand for nitrogen (N) and retention of N in the root zone to allow root interception are important factors for efficient management of N fertilizer [2, 22]. In the soil-plant system, nitrogen availability mainly depends on the mineralization of organic-nitrogen into inorganic-nitrogen forms from soil organic matter, crop residues, manures or sludge amendments and urea-based fertilizers. When urea is added to the soil, it is firstly hydrolyzed to N-NH4+ by urease enzymes, and in a second step N-NH4+ is oxidized to N-NO3 by the nitrification process. Thus, the pool of net mineralized nitrogen comprises the sum of N-NH4+ and N-NO3 in the soil [5, 21, 25].

Soil organic matter affects biochemical, chemical, biological and physical soil properties that control soil microbial activity. Crop production practices such as tillage, rotation, residue, management, and fertilization influence organic matter content and quality in soil. Long-term studies have shown a decline in organic matter with tillage intensity. Also, decreasing tillage intensity and increasing surface residue cover have been shown to inhibit loss of organic matter from soils, which may have an effect on the availability of nutrients for plant growth [10, 20].

Hot water extractable organic carbon (CHWE) is a poorly defined pool of organic C compounds in various states of decomposition and contains both substrates and end products of enzymic reactions of varying molecular weight. Litter leachates, root exudates and microbial degradation products are regarded as the most important CHWE sources [10, 11, 16, 20]. The content of CHWE seems to be closely associated with microbial activity, because this fraction of the organic carbon can be vulnerable to microbial degradation. The quantities of dissolved organic matter are sensitive to land management, especially agricultural use which reduces inputs to the soils organic matter evolution through removal of plant biomass. The mechanism of the degradation CHWE depends on the aromaticity and complexity of dissolved organic matter molecules whereas carbohydrates and amino acids increase this process. CHWE degradation results also in a relative enrichment of lignin-derived moieties, which affects the thermal behavior of individual compounds classes and increases thermal stability of residual hot water extractable organic carbon [17].

Applications of the amounts of chemical compounds characterizing hormonal impact or hormonal-like effect have become important agricultural production practices, particularly in horticulture, agriculture, pomology, floriculture as well as for growing media. Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) is a phytohormone of the auxin series; its biosynthesis, besides higher plants, is also performed by a number of soil microorganisms, and in particular, plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria. IAA seems to play an important function in nature as a result of its influence in the regulation and development of plant growth. The physiological impact of this substance is involved in cell elongation, apical dominance, root initation, parthenocarpy, abscission callus formation and respiration [1, 12, 15, 18].

The aim of this work was to study the effects of long-term apple-tree cultivation and cultural practices as fertilization and irrigation performed in the orchard after replantation on the level of IAA, total organic carbon, hot water extractable organic carbon, total nitrogen, ammonium and nitrate ions in the soil.


Experimental field
Studies were conducted in the years 2003–2005 in apple-tree (Malus domestica Barkh.) orchard after replantation at Agricultural and Fruit-Growing Experimental Farm in Przybroda of the University of Life Science in Poznań, Poland, on a sandy loamy soil (Albic Luvisols). The orchard was established in 1975. In 1988, the first replantation was carried out without any preceding soil preparation. In 1994, a repeated replantation was performed, however, after grubbing up the terrain, a shallow ploughing was applied using 2000 kg CaO ha-1. The investigated material was represented by apple-trees of `Ŝampion` cultivar and `Golden Delicious` cv. on P 60 rootstock in the spacing of 3.5 x 1.5 m (1900 trees ha-1). `Golden Delicious` cv. was used as belt of isolation between fertilization combinations. In orchard was applied the belt of herbicide fallow in rows and black mechanical fallow in the inter-row. Different levels of irrigation were separated by the belts of turf. The experiments was established in system independent randomized blocks, with 4 replications, having the following three irrigation levels:

Within each irrigation level, three fertilization combinations were used:

Mineral fertilization was applied in the first decade of April 4–5 weeks before the blooming of orchard trees. Fertilizers were sown in the form of ammonium nitrate and potassium salt (60%). The herbicide program used during the vegetation season (3–4 times) from April to September. The following herbicide were applied: Roundap 360 SL (4.0 l ha-1), Chwastox extra (2.0 l ha-1), Basta SL 150 (4.0 l ha-1), Azotop 50 WP (3.0 l ha-1), Agil 100 EC (1.5 l ha-1). Soil samples for analyses were taken from belts of herbicide fallow from the depth of 0–20 cm, from 10 sites in every plot, in three terms depending on the developmental phase of apple-trees in the orchard: intensive growth of apple-tree (June – spring), fruiting/ripering (August – summer) and harvesting of fruits (October – autumn). These 10 sub-samples were mixed in order to prepare a mean sample. Sample were air-dried and crushed to pass through a 1 mm mesh sieve and were used for the determination of chemical parameters.

Procedure of determination of chemical parameters
pH was measured in soil-water (1:2 v/v) suspensions by potentiometric method. The total organic carbon was analyzed on Total Organic Carbon Analyzer (TOC 5050A) with Solid Sample Module (SSM-5000A) produced by Shimadzu (Japan). Hot water extractable organic carbon was determined on TOC 5050A equipment produced by Shimadzu (Japan). For the investigation of CHWE, soil sample were heated in deionized water in 100ºC for two hours under a reflux condenser. Extracts were separated by the mean filter paper and analyzed on TOC 5050A facilities [29]. Total nitrogen (N-total) were evaluated by the Kjeldahl method on Vapodest of Gerhard Co. Ammonium (N-NH4+) and nitrate (N-NO3) ions were measured by chromatographic method [30]. Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) concentrations were assayed in the resulting of soil extraction fluorimetrically in bottom layer at λexcitation=290 nm and λemission=368 nm. The IAA concentration was calculated from analytical curve, the IAA content ranged from 50–300 ng ml-1, prepared similar to investigated soils samples [30].

Statistical analysis
All chemical parameters were done in triplicate and the results were averaged. Obtained data were subject to analysis of variance and differences between mean values were estimated by T-Tukey test for significance level α=0.05, using program STATISTICA. Dependences between the chemical properties were estimated using multiple regression. Correlation coefficients were calculated for concentrations between all chemical parameters which were measured within three years of studies (2003–2005).

Environmental conditions
Mean temperature and the sum of rainfalls in the vegetation period of 2003 (April–October) amounted to 15.3°C and 211.6 mm respectively. In the second year of sample taking (2004), the mean temperature was 14.9°C and the sum of rainfalls was 283.0 mm. In 2005, the respective values were 15.2°C and 301.4 mm (Figs 1–3).

Fig. 1. Monthly total precipitation and temperatures in 2003 year

Fig. 2. Monthly total precipitation and temperatures in 2004 year

Fig. 3. Monthly total precipitation and temperatures in 2005 year


Many soils contain compounds which exhibit strong auxin-like activity and differ in their indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) synthesizing capacity depending on the fertility status and organic matter content [28]. The content of IAA was a differentiation between the sampling period, but only in the third year of the studies. Analysis of the effect of the sampling period on the content of indole-3-acetic acid demonstrated its lowest concentration in samples taken in spring (intensive growth of apple-tree), while the highest in samples collected in autumn (harvesting of fruits) (2005 years) (Tab. 1). On Nowina similar amounts of IAA were found in comparison with fertilized combinations in replanted orchard. Also, irrigation levels of -0.03 MPa and -0.01 MPa exerted an significant effect on the decrease of the concentration of IAA in soil (Tab. 2).

Table 1. Effect of the sampling period on chemical properties in the soil of the apple-tree orchard after replantation in the years 2003–2005
Chemical properties soil
Intensive growth of apple-tree
Harvesting of fruits
Intensive growth of apple-tree
Harvesting of fruits
Intensive growth of apple-tree
Harvesting of fruits
[mg kg-1]
20.03 a
19.47 a
20.51 a
17.70 a
15.29 a
17.19 a
18.01 a
19.88 b
21.44 b
[g kg-1]
8.48 a
8.03 a
10.06 b
8.07 a
8.85 a
6.62 b
8.71 a
14.67 b
8.21 a
[g kg-1]
0.29 a
0.26 a
0.33 b
0.30 a
0.42 b
0.49 c
0.44 a
0.74 b
0.70 b
[g kg-1]
1.39 a
1.87 b
1.67 c
1.59 a
1.92 b
2.55 c
2.21 a
2.40 b
1.87 c
[mg kg-1]
4.46 a
5.24 a
4.98 a
3.65 a
7.49 b
5.65 b
8.79 b
6.74 a
7.84 ab
[mg kg-1]
13.22 a
11.22 a
17.79 b
15.11 a
17.08 a
8.22 b
8.71 b
5.04 a
8.44 b
* Means marked with the same letters did not differ significantly at the probability of a=0.05
IAA – indole-3-acetic acid
TOC – total organic carbon
CHWE – hot water extractable organic carbon
N-total – total nitrogen,
N-NH4+ – ammonium ions,
N-NO3– nitrate ions

Table 2. Effect of irrigation and fertilization on chemical properties in the soil of the apple-tree orchard after replantation (means with years 2003–2005)
Levels of irrigation
Levels of fertilization
[mg kg-1]
[g kg-1]
[g kg-1]
[g kg-1]
[mg kg-1]
[mg kg-1]
25.19 d*
9.71 ab*
0.46 ab*
2.11 a*
7.93 b*
15.06 ac*
22.29 cd
8.60 a
0.51 bc
1.92 a
6.26 ab
14.88 ac
21.43 b–d
9.93 ab
0.48 a-c
1.89 a
7.40 ab
12.98 a–c
17.47 a–c
8.09 a
0.38 ab
2.13 a
4.74 a
10.05 ab
17.15 a–c
9.48 ab
0.43 ab
1.87 a
4.79 ab
12.42 a–c
21.82 b–d
11.42 b
0.61 c
1.94 a
5.68 ab
10.17 ab
16.55 ab
8.37 a
0.37 a
2.15 a
6.62 ab
11.60 a–c
13.02 a
8.96 a
0.38 ab
1.87 a
4.50 a
8.28 b
14.79 a
8.55 a
0.39 ab
1.87 a
7.00 ab
16.40 c
17.87 a–c
11.01 b
0.47 ab
1.90 a
6.27 ab
4.91 d
Means for fertilization
19.74 a
8.72 a
0.40 a
2.13 b
6.43 a
12.24 a
17.49 a
9.02 ab
0.44 ab
1.89 a
5.18 a
11.86 a
19.35 a
9.97 b
0.49 b
1.90 a
6.69 a
13.19 a
Means for irrigation
22.97 a
9.41 a
0.48 a
1.97 a
7.19 b
14.30 b
18.81 b
9.66 a
0.47 a
1.98 a
5.07 a
10.88 a
14.79 c
8.63 a
0.38 b
1.96 a
6.04 ab
12.09 ab
* Means marked with the same letters did not differ significantly at the probability of a=0.05
For explantions, see Table 1

The contents of total organic carbon (TOC) and hot water extractable organic carbon (CHWE) of soil differs depending on the sampling period. Three-year studies have presented significantly higher concentrations of TOC in the autumn season (harvesting of fruits) in 2003 and in summer season (fruiting/ripering) in 2004 and 2005, while for CHWE, it happened in autumn (2003 and 2004) and in the summer and autumn season (2005) (Tab. 1). The obtained results indicate the highest amount of TOC and CHWE in combinations fertilized with nitrogen and potassium, i.e. with NK and 2N2K, while the lowest in N combinations. Irrigation did not exert any significant effect on the content of TOC. Contrary, high concentration of CHWE was confirmed in W0 and W1 (-0.03 MPa) combinations and low at irrigation levels of -0.01 MPa. Moreover, the content of CHWE was similar on Nowina and in apple-tree orchard after replantation. But, the concentration of TOC was significantly higher on Nowina and lower in replanted orchard (Tab. 2).

Gonet et al. [9] and Dou et al. [10] and Nardi et al. [20] suggested that long-term studies had shown a decline in organic matter with tillage intensity. Soil organic carbon and nitrogen levels indicate long-term effects of crop management practices, but CHWE may reflect short-term changes resulting from different crop management practices and decomposition of crop residues. Crop species and rotations have varying effects on soil carbon, nitrogen, and CHWE due to the differences in the quantity and quality of crop residues, which may influence short-term CHWE dynamics and carbon depth distribution [10]. Also, Czekała et al. [7] observed in their studies a degrading effect of monoculture on organic carbon content. According to these authors [7], transformations of humus compounds taking place in conditions of monocultural growing of rye with the absence or with exclusive mineral fertilization cause a disturbance in their more stable bonds. It testifies that an increase of soluble humus compounds, less combined with clayey minerals of soils occurs mainly at the cost of bonds most strongly bound [7].

In addition, Bednarek and Reszka [3] and Yao et al. [38] stated that in the group of factors influencing soil fertility a significant role is played by mineral fertilization which influences the physical and chemical properties of soil. Nitrogen fertilizers may have profound impacts on belowground decomposers, such as modifying microbial community composition and thus the production of soil enzymes involved in the depolymerization of soil organic matter and plant litter [3, 38]. By Myśków et al. [19], mineral fertilization of light soils for many years and the maintenance of their pH reaction near the neutral level permits to preserve in them the initial content of organic matter, or it causes, its small increase. On the other hand, one sided treatment of light soils with mineral fertilizers, particularly with such doses and types which lead to soil acidification, causes both an acceleration of organic matter mineralization and deteriorates its quality. It is expressed in an increased amount of mobile organic compound fractions at the cost of more stable ones [19]. Janowiak [13] also believes that in low doses, nitrogen exerts an effect on the accumulation and stabilization of organic matter, while in high doses, in favourable agro-ecological conditions, it may cause an acceleration of the mineralization process and lead in effect to the decrease of organic carbon content.

Nitrogen content indicates the trophic or nutrient status for plant growth and microbial activity. The assumption is often made that 1 to 3% of the soil organic nitrogen is mineralized during the course of the growing season, presumably available to plants [37]. The data presented in Table 1 show that amount of total nitrogen depended on the sampling period in apple-tree (Malus domestica Barkh.) orchard after replantation. High concentration of total nitrogen in the soil was recorded in the summer season (fruiting/ripering) in 2003 and autumn (harvesting of fruits) in 2004 and in summer season in 2005. The author of the present work found on Nowina similar amount of total nitrogen (N-total) in comparison with fertilized and irrigated combinations in replanted orchard. The concentrations of N-total in apple-tree orchard after replantation ranged from 1.87 to 2.15 g kg-1 and on Nowina 1.90 kg g-1 (Tab. 2). Application of irrigation had no significant effect on content of N-total. An increase in soil nitrogen availability may suppress the activity of oxidative enzymes, but stimulates the activity of cellulolytic enzymes such as soil cellulose. As a consequence, nitrogen effect on decomposition depends on the chemical composition of organic matter [38].

Most of the plants are able to absorb and assimilate nitrate (N-NO3), ammonium (N-NH4+), urea and amino acids as nitrogen sources. A minor proportion of the nitrogen is in soluble form, most of which consist of organic nitrogen (DON) and low concentrations of inorganic forms – N-NH4+ and N-NO3 [5, 21, 25]. The contents of ammonium and nitrate ions of soil also differ depending on the sampling period (Tab. 1). This study has shown a significantly higher amount of ammonium ions in the summer (fruiting/ripering) and autumn seasons (harvesting of fruits) in 2004, in spring (intensive growth of apple-tree) and autumn seasons in 2005, while in nitrate ions, it observed in autumn in 2003, spring and summer seasons in 2004 and in the spring and autumn season in 2005. Additionally, these investigations presented differences in the content of N-NO3 among the fertilized combinations and Nowina (Tab. 2). On Nowina significantly low values of N-NO3 was recorded in comparison with the fertilized combinations originating from the replanted orchard. Research of many authors have shown that high doses of mineral fertilizers and the use of fallow herbicide affect the passive accumulation of NO3 ions in the soil, due to the lack of biological sorption [4]. Dechnik and Wiater [8] believe that the dynamics of mineral forms of nitrogen is determined by the weather conditions and the rhythm of development of plants but less by applied of fertilization. Ciećko et al. [6] state that nitrogen fertilization increases content of total nitrogen and mineral forms in the soil at the same time and is dependent on the quality of the soil. Furthermore, increased concentrations of N-NH4+ and N-NO3 were measured in the soil of W0 and W2 (-0.01 MPa) combinations and decreased at irrigation levels of -0.03 MPa. (Tab. 2). Paul and Clark [23] think that more nitrate ions are present in the soil at the surface dry. Accumulation of N-NO3 is associated with the movement of the lower parts of the nitrates of the soil, the capillary water soaking water from deeper layer. Evaporation of water from the surface layer raises the concentration of N-NO3 [23]. Therefore, Peralta and Stockle [24] indicate that deficit irrigation reduced yields and increased the accumulation of nitrate in the soil, which was leached during the wet fall and winter periods, resulting in the highest leaching amounts with high fertilization rates.

The results revealed that all the soils sample represented acidic to slightly acidic and neutral properties. High pH value was confirmed in combinations of NK (from 5.28 to 6.71) and 2N2K (from 5.19 to 6.49) and on Nowina (5.81) and low in N combination (from 3.63 to 4.91). However, the highest pH value was noted in W2 (from 4.91 to 6.71) and the lowest in W0 combinations (from 3.63 to 5.28) (Tab. 3).

Table 3. Effect of irrigation and fertilization on pH, C/N ratio in the soil and yield of fruits of the apple-tree orchard after replantation (means with years 2003–2005)
Levels of irrigation
Levels of fertilization
C/N ratio
Yield of fruits**
[kg tree-1]
2 N2K
3.63 f
*5.28 ab
5.19 ab
4.78 ab
*4.90 a–c
5.05 ac
15.29 bd*
17.37 d
16.29 cd
4.48 c
5.64 bd
5.87 d
4.02 b
5.43 ac
6.05 c
8.05 ab
4.27 a
9.39 a–c
4.91 ac
6.71 e
6.49 e
4.37 ab
4.95 a–c
4.59 ab
8.30 ab
7.48 a
11.34 a–d
5.81 b
6.04 a
21.60 b
Means for fertilization
4.34 a
5.88 b
5.85 b
4.39 b
5.09 ab
5.38 a
10.55 a
9.83 a
12.34 a
Means for irrigation
4.70 a
5.33 b
6.03 c
5.06 a
5.17 a
4.64 a
16.44 a
7.24 b
9.04 b
* Means marked with the same letters did not differ significantly at the probability of a=0.05**
Date obtained from Agricultural-Orchard Experimental Station in Przybroda

Furthermore, these studies indicated significantly higher C/N ratio in NK and 2N2K and lower in N combinations. On the other hand, these studies showed no significant differences of C/N ratio among three irrigation levels (W0, W1 and W2) (Tab. 3).

Table 3 presented differences in the yield of fruits among fertilized and irrigated combinations originating from apple-tree orchard after replantation and Nowina. However, the yield of fruits was significantly higher on Nowina (21.60 kg tree-1) than in replanted orchard (from 4.27 to 17.37 kg tree-1). Also, increased of fruits yield was demonstrated in the soil of the combination in W0 (from 15.29 to 17.37 kg tree-1) and decreased in W1 (from 4.27 to 9.39 kg tree-1) and W2 combinations (from 7.48 to 11.34 kg tree-1).

In addition, it was observed positive correlation coefficients for indole-3-acetic acid with CHWE (r= 0.25, p <0.001), N-NH4+ (r= 0.15, p <0.01),  N-NO3(r= 0.11, p <0.01) and yield of fruits (r= 0.35, p <0.001), whereas negative correlation coefficients with pH (r= -0.21, p <0.001) (Tab. 4). Kalbitz et al. [14] stated that CHWE pool is a leaching product from plant, litter and humus and it is generated by microbial activity. Also, Szajdak and Maryganova [31] suggested that the soil flora also produces appreciable amounts of auxin under natural condition, particularly when organic material is present to support microbial growth. Available CHWE may be important factor affecting concentration of auxin in soil.

Table 4. Correlation coefficients of investigated relationships
Chemical properties soil
Indole-3-acetic acid
Total organic carbon
Hot water extractable organic carbon
Total nitrogen
Ammonium ions
Nitrate ions
Yield of fruits
* significant levels p <0.001
** p< 0.01


  1. The amounts of indole-3-acetic acid, total organic carbon, hot water extractable organic carbon, total nitrogen, ammonium and nitrate ions in soil almost always depended on the sampling period.
  2. Between fertilized and irrigated combinations originating from apple-tree orchard after replantation and Nowina there have not been confirmed differences in the contents of indole-3-acetic acid, hot water extractable organic carbon, total nitrogen and ammonium ions. Plant cultivation for many years on the same site has not had a negative effect on the concentrations of these parameters in the orchard. Furthermore, the concentration of total organic carbon and yield of apple-tree cultivated after replantation was significantly lower, in comparison with locality after previous agricultural use (Nowina).
  3. The differences have been demonstrated in the amount of total organic carbon, hot water extractable organic carbon, total nitrogen and pH among fertilized combinations of soil in the apple-tree orchard after replantation. Moreover, different levels of fertilizer had no significant effect on the content of indole-3-acetic acid, ammonium and nitrate ions in the soil and yield of fruits.
  4. The applied irrigation levels (-0.03MPa, -0.01MPa) exert an significant impact on the decrease of indole-3-acetic acid, hot water extractable organic carbon, ammonium and nitrate ions in the soil and yield of fruits in replanted orchard.

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Accepted for print: 15.07.2014

Katarzyna Styła
Institute for Agricultural and Forest Environment,
Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznań, Poland
Phone: (+48) 61 8475601
Bukowska 19
60-809 Poznań, Poland
email: styla.katarzyna@gmail.com

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