Electronic Journal of Polish Agricultural Universities (EJPAU) founded by all Polish Agriculture Universities presents original papers and review articles relevant to all aspects of agricultural sciences. It is target for persons working both in science and industry,regulatory agencies or teaching in agricultural sector. Covered by IFIS Publishing (Food Science and Technology Abstracts), ELSEVIER Science - Food Science and Technology Program, CAS USA (Chemical Abstracts), CABI Publishing UK and ALPSP (Association of Learned and Professional Society Publisher - full membership). Presented in the Master List of Thomson ISI.
Volume 12
Issue 4
Veterinary Medicine
Pospieszny N. , Pachulska P. , Paździor K. , Wustinger J. 2009. ARTERIAL AND VENOUS VESSELS OF PELVIC LIMB OF THE OSTRICH (Struthio camelus L.), EJPAU 12(4), #03.
Available Online: http://www.ejpau.media.pl/volume12/issue4/art-03.html


Norbert Pospieszny1, Paulina Pachulska2, Katarzyna Paździor2, Jerzy Wustinger2
1 Department of Biostructure and Animal Physiology, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Poland
2 Institute of Anatomy and Histology, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Poland



The purpose of the dissection was to analyze blood vessels of the ostrich pelvic limb. Material constituted 8 limbs of two-day old ostrich chicks fixed in 4% solution of formic aldehyde. Photographic documentation and schemes of the blood vessels route were performed.

Key words: ostrich, circulatory.


Anatomy of the pelvic limb blood vessels of the ostrich is not a well known issue. There is no bibliography and reliable source describing this problem. In original stationery we didn`t found any data so our knowledge is based on books [1,2,3,4]. The results of the research was presented scientifically and schematically in the form of skeletotopy.


The investigation was conducted on 8 pelvic limbs of 4 ostrich. Chicks age was known and amounted 2 days. Material was fixed in 4% solution of formic aldehyde and it was exposed to anatomical preparation. During investigation a magnifying glass (7x) and basic anatomical tools were used. The scale in photographs was established exact to 0,1 mm on the base of measurements using an electronic slide caliper.


Route of the arterial vessels:

The arterial blood supply ostrich pelvic limb has two sources: the external iliac artery (a.iliaca externa) and the ischiatic artery (a.ischiadica). The descending aorta (aorta descendens) gives rise to the first and the second one.

A.iliaca externa at femur level gives:
– circumflex femoral artery (a. circumflexa femoris)
– femoral artery (a.femoralis)
– pubic artery (a.pubica)
Branches of the a.iliaca.externa supplying muscles under stiffle join wasn't observed.

A.ischiadica is located on the femur caudal side previously giving rise to the abductory artery (a.abductoria).
The sural artery (a.suralis) is the second branch separated at stiffle join level. The popliteal artery (a.poplitea) is the continuation of the ischiatic artery.

A.poplitea gives rise to the lateral, the medial and the caudal tibial artery (a.tibialis lateralis, medialis et caudalis) and extend to the cranial tibial artery (a.tibialis cranialis).

A.tibialis cranialis passes cranially along ostrich calf and then extends to the common metatarsal artery (a.metatarsalis dorsalis communis).

A.metatarsalis dorsalis communis goes down to the fingers and gives the lateral, the medial digital artery III and the medial digital artery IV (a.digitalis III lateralis et medialis, a. digitalis IV medialis). Under the talus passes important branch in the form of the plantar metatarsal artery (a.metatarsalis plantaris) witch gives the lateral digital artery IV (a. digitalis IV lateralis).

Recapitulate: ostrich fingers are supplied from two sources which are a.metatarsalis dorsalis communis and a.metatarsalis plantaris.

Fig. 1. Arteries of the ostrich pelvic limb – skeletotopy

Route of the venous vessels

The external iliac vein (v.iliaca externa) is the catchment area of veins draining the ostrich pelvic limb.
Here fall in:
– caudal renal vein (v.renalis caudalis)
– caudal renal portal vein (v.porte renalis caudalis)
– circumflex femoral vein (v.circumflexa femoris)
– pubic vein (v.pubica).

V.iliaca externa is continuation of the femoral vein (v.femoralis) which gives branches like the supreme vein of genus (v.genus suprema), the deep femoral vein (v.profunda femoris). Interesting is occurrence the anastomosis (anastomosis ischiofemoralis) between the deep femoral vein (v.profunda femoris) and the ischiatic vein (v.ischiadica).

V.femoralis is continuation of the popliteal vein (v.poplitea) to which on calf caudal side fall the sural vein (v.suralis).

Under stiffle joint on tibia cranial side passes the cranial tibial vein (v.tibialis cranialis). This vein is continuation of the common dorsal metatarsal vein (a.metatarsalis dorsalis communis). The caudal tibial vein (v. tibialis caudalis) is continuation of the superficial plantar metatarsal vein (v.metatarsalis plantaris superficialis) and passes on calf caudal side. Into v.tibialis cranialis on medial side goes the medial tibial vein (v.tibialis medialis).

Ostrich fingers are drained by the medial digital vein IV (v.digitalis IV medialis), the lateral digital vein III (v.digitalis III lateralis) which fall in into v. metatarsalis dorsalis communis and the lateral digital vein IV (v.digitalis IV lateralis), the medial digital vein III (v.digitalis III medialis) which fall in into the superficial plantar metatarsal vein (v.metatarsalis plantaris superficialis).
On attention deserve the superficial plantar arch (arcus plantaris superficialis) which is very good developed in not flying birds.

Fig. 2. Venous vessels of ostrich pelvic limb.
A – v.  metatarsalis dorsalis communis


Fig. 3. Venous vessels of ostrich pelvic limb – skeletotopy

Fig. 4. Arterial and venous vessels on ostrich III finger, medial side
A – a.  digitalis III medialis
B – v.  digitalis III medialis

Fig. 5. Venous vessels of ostrich pelvic limb.
A – v.  metatarsalis plantaris superficialis


The circulatory system of the ostrich pelvic limb is well developed which corresponds with strong muscles. It was affirmed that such a young chicks have circulatory system developed in strong way. It was assumed that there are similarities between vein and artery route in compare with other not flying birds. The ostrich has only III and IV finger so quantity of fingers vessels are reduced. Interesting is a fact that ostrich has the anastomosis between  the ischiatic and the femoral vein (anastomosis ischiofemoralis). The ischiatic vein (v.ischiadica) is a very small vessel. Superficial plantar arch (arcus plantaris superficialis) is strongly developed and characteristic for this species.


  1. The circulatory system of ostrich pelvic limb is well developed in the young chicks.

  2. There are some similarities between vessels route of ostrich and hen.

  3. Developement of the ostrich pelvic limb circulatory system is connected with strongly developed muscles.

  4. In connection with appearance only two fingers the circulatory system under and at tarsometatarsus level is reduced.


  1. Komarek V., Malinowsky L., Lemez L., 1982. Anatomia ptaków domowych i embriologia kury [Anatomy and Embryology of the Domestic Birds]. PWRiL, Warszawa [in Polish].

  2. Kobryń H., Kobryńczuk F., 2004. Anatomia Zwierząt t. 3 [Animal Anatomy, vol. 3]. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa [in Polish].

  3. Baumel J.J., 1993. Handbook of Avian anatomy\Nomina Anatomica Avium. Cambridge Massachusetts.

  4. Nickel R., Schummer A., Seiferle E., 1973. Lehrbuch der Anatomie der Haustiere, Bd.V: Anatomie der Hausvogel [Textbook of the Domestic Animals Anatomy, Vol. 5: Anatomy of the Domestic Birds]. Parey Verlag, Stuttgart [in German].


Accepted for print: 01.10.2009

Norbert Pospieszny
Department of Biostructure and Animal Physiology,
Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Poland
Kożuchowska 1/3, 51-631 Wrocław, Poland

Paulina Pachulska
Institute of Anatomy and Histology,
Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Poland
Kożuchowska 1-3, 51-631 Wrocław, Poland

Katarzyna Paździor
Institute of Anatomy and Histology,
Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Poland
Kożuchowska 1-3, 51-631 Wrocław, Poland

Jerzy Wustinger
Institute of Anatomy and Histology,
Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Poland
Kożuchowska 1-3; 51-631 Wrocław, Poland
phone: +48+71 32 05 746
email: jotwu@gen.ar.wroc.pl

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