Volume 12
Issue 2
Veterinary Medicine
Available Online: http://www.ejpau.media.pl/volume12/issue2/art-15.html
Katarzyna Marzenna Kwiecińska1, Halina Purzyc2
1 Departament of Animal Genetics and Breeding,
Warsaw University of Life Science – SGGW, Poland
2 Department of Morphologigacal Sciences,
Warsaw University of Life Science – SGGW, Poland
Hucul horses foals born in years
1951–1955 derived from 42 horses, which now can be count as founders. Genes of
these horses created 70.34% of all population. Remaining 29.66% of genes derived
from horses which progeny didn't survive to contemporary times. Hucul horses
born in years 1999–2003 derived from 112 founders, 6 of them were stallions which
created sire lines (30.69%), 14 of them were mares which created female lines
(10.82%), 13 of them were mares which lines could be consolidated in Poland (0.32%),
13 of them were "fathers of mares" (16.65%) and 66 of them were "mothers of stallions"
(42.67%). The highest contribution of all founders (12.95%) has founder of sire line stallion Goral. Contribution
of genes of female lines founders was lower than "mothers of stallions" and founders
of sire lines. Sire lines and female lines had only formal meaning. Only 23 from 112 founders of Hucul horses population had proportion of gene higher then 1%.
It has been proofed that Hucul horses genes pool consisted genes of other breed/species: Arabian horse, Przewalskis
horse, Haflinger, Fiording and 2 Biłgorajski horses.
Key words: Hucul horses, founders genes contribution, pedigree.
Hucul horses born in years 1999–2003 derived from 112 ancestors which can be count as breed founders. The founders can be divided into: 6 stallions which created sire lines, 14 mares which created female lines, 13 mares which lines could be consolidated in Poland, 13 "fathers of mares" (stallion with only daughters in breeding) and 66 "mothers of stallions" (mares with only sons in breeding).
Stallions which created sire lines were: Hroby (light-bay, born 1895), Goral (bay, born 1899), Gurgul (bay, born 1924), Polan (dark-bay, born 1929), Ousor (bay, born 1929), Pietrosu (black, born 1930). In many papers the seventh sire line frequently is presented (Prislop). This sire line is within Goral line because Prislop's father was stallion 174 Goral I–7 [9].
Mares – founders of female line were: Połonina (trough her granddaughter, brown Pastuszka born in 1930), Nakoneczna (bay, born 1934), Czeremcha (gray, born 1941 in former USSR, described as Czarnomorski Little Horses in Stud Book), Wrona (black, born 1934), Wołga (mouse-dun, born 1936), Góralka Nowosądecka, Agatka (skewbald), Bajkałka (bay, born 1944), Laliszka ex Lalka (bay, born 1945), Wyderka from Wydra (light-bay, born 1946), Sroczka (skewbald, born 1947), Zyrka, Reda (bay, born 1948), 17 Aglaja (born 1917 in Romania trough mare Gurgul V–23).
Actually there are also 13 mares which progeny still exist and lines could be continued in Poland:
mares from private studs: Dukla, Gwiazdka (born 1985) and Hala (born 1963). Interesting was that Gwiazdka isn't pure breed Hucul Horse because her grandfather on father's side was Arabian horse and others ancestors were unknown [14];
mares which progeny were imported to Poland from Czech Republik and Slovakia: Bukowina (born 1935), Franca (Zuzika) (born 1944), Frosa and Macocha (born 1942);
mares which progeny were imported to Poland from Romania: 241 Hroby VIII, mother of mare 339 Góral XIII–31, mother of mare 193 Hroby X–2, mother of mare 340 Ousor IV–13, mother of mare 431 Prislop VI–24 and Ousor XI–33.
The rest of founders are 13 "father of mares" and 66 "mothers of stallions" with large contribution of gene pool but never described in details.
The material for this analysis was pedigree data of Hucul Horse foals born in years 1951–1955 (79 individuals) and 1999–2003 (1412 individuals). The source of pedigree data was Polish Hucul Horses' Stud Book (volumes I–VIII), documents of Hucul Horses Studs Gładyszów and "Skarbiec", and other papers [4,5,10,11].
Ancestor with unknown parents was considered as founder. Horses of other bred used in breeding were also considered as founders. Animals with one parent known were also considered as founders if their parent didn't appeared in any other pedigree. In other case unknown parent was also consider as founder. It was assumed that founders are not related and their genes are unique.
Hucul horses born in years 1999–2003 derived from 112 founders. Moureaux at al. [8] maintained that population of English horses in France derived from 3548 founders, French Trotters from 2513 founders, Arabian horses from 962 founders, Anglo-Arabs form 3669 founders and Selle Francais horses from 8933 founders. Zechnera at al. [15] said that actual population of Lipizzan horses derived from 457 founders. Głażewska [2] maintained that pedigrees of Polish Arabian horses consisted about 1500 ancestors which names are known. All Przewalski's horses derived from 13 founders [12].
Only 42 from 112 identified founders can be find in pedigrees of foals born in years 1951–1955. These 42 founders contributed 70.34% foals born in years 1951–1955 gene pool. Remaining 29.66% of gene pool is not represented actually. The contribution of founders can be derived into: 10.06% founders of sire lines, 17.57% founders of female lines, 13.89% "fathers of mares" and 28.82% "mothers of stallions". At that time only one sire line (Goral) was represented – Goral line and mares with genes of other sire line founder (Hroby) existed within population (Table 1). Also son of future Polish sire line founder Polan existed at that time but this black stallion Wipczyj (from Polan by Rodzenka) born in 1939 was used in Tylicz Stud first time in 1955 [7]. 11 founders of female line were represented in pedigrees of foals born in years 1951–1955 (Table 2). The highest contribution had Nakoneczna (2.36%), and the lowest Połonina (0.51%). There was 9 "fathers of mares" among founders and one of them stallion Bajarz (dark-bay, born 1939 in private stud) had the highest frequency 6.08% (Table 3) [7]. There was 20 "mothers of stallions" among founders. The highest influence has anknow mare – mother of stallion Wujek (by Goral Radowce) which was very widely used in breed in that time (Table 4).
Table 1. Contribution genes of sire lines founders in groups of foals born in years 1951–1955 and 1999–2003 |
genes contribution [%] |
1951–1955 |
1999–2003 |
Goral 1899 |
9.08 |
12.96 |
Gurgul 1924 |
– |
6.38 |
Hroby 1895 |
0.98 |
9.31 |
Ousor 1929 |
– |
2.56 |
Pietrosu 1930 |
– |
0.80 |
Polan 1929 |
– |
2.69 |
all |
10.06 |
34.70 |
Table 2. Contribution genes of male lines founders in groups of foals born in years 1951–1955 and 1999–2003 |
genes contribution [%] |
1951–1955 |
1999–2003 |
Agatka |
1.01 |
1.73 |
17 Aglaja 1917 |
– |
0.15 |
Bajkalaka 1944 |
2.03 |
0.33 |
Czeremcha 1941 |
1.35 |
0.05 |
Goralka Nowosadecka |
2.20 |
0.15 |
Laliszka (ex Lalka) 1945 |
2.03 |
0.38 |
Nakoneczna 1934 |
2.36 |
0.63 |
Połonina |
0.51 |
0.45 |
Reda 1948 |
– |
0.06 |
Sroczka 1947 |
1.69 |
0.67 |
Wolga 1936 |
0.68 |
0.47 |
Wrona 1934 |
1.69 |
0.95 |
Wyderka 1946 |
2.03 |
4.60 |
Zyrka |
– |
0.20 |
all |
17.58 |
10.82 |
Table 3. Contribution genes of "fathers of mares" in groups of foals born in years 1951–1955 and 1999–2003 |
genes contribution [%] |
1951–1955 |
1999–2003 |
Bajarz 1939 |
6.08 |
2.32 |
Corbu 1912 |
– |
0.52 |
Czeremosz 1883 |
0.86 |
0.95 |
Czeremosz 1930 |
2.03 |
0.05 |
father of mare Basia |
0.31 |
0.07 |
Konik |
0.93 |
0.04 |
Miszka 1871 |
0.15 |
1.96 |
Misko |
0.93 |
0.04 |
Rokos 1951 |
– |
0.02 |
Skat |
– |
0.20 |
Stirbul 1873 |
1.28 |
3.31 |
Taras 1878 |
1.32 |
2.10 |
Tarpan 1938 |
– |
1.04 |
all |
13.89 |
12.62 |
Table 4. Contribution genes of "mothers of mares" in groups of foals born in years 1951–1955 and 1999–2003 |
genes contribution [%] |
1951–1955 |
1951–1955 |
825 Alga (Agla) 1941 |
– |
0.02 |
Babka |
0.51 |
0.86 |
Brada |
– |
0.34 |
862 Dagmar (Dagmara) 1944 |
– |
0.07 |
86 Dermoxa |
– |
0.03 |
84 Diana |
– |
0.16 |
116 Dychov |
– |
0.004 |
27 Gaina |
– |
0.68 |
Giga |
1.60 |
0.07 |
251 Góral I 1925 |
– |
0.80 |
499 Góral III |
– |
0.004 |
187 Góral III–18 |
– |
0.05 |
162 Góral III–6 |
– |
0.05 |
246 Góral IV–4 |
– |
0.07 |
206 Góral IV–7 |
– |
0.08 |
192 Góral–7 |
– |
0.28 |
59 Hroby–5 |
0.04 |
0.80 |
84 Hurka 1945 |
– |
0.65 |
Jagoda II |
0.25 |
0.43 |
4 Kamionka (Kaminka) |
0.34 |
0.27 |
2 Kitka |
0.66 |
1.82 |
Lucka |
– |
3.18 |
3 Luczyna (Łuczyna) |
0.01 |
0.59 |
5 Lucava (Łukawa. Zukawa) |
0.27 |
0.77 |
85 Manaila |
– |
1.61 |
mother of mare 882 Gelnica |
– |
0.004 |
mother of mare 116 II–10 |
– |
0.16 |
mother of mare 133 II–2 |
– |
0.06 |
mother of mare 89 II–4 |
– |
0.14 |
mother of mare 4 Góral V–2 |
– |
0.05 |
mother of mare 17 Góral V–2 |
– |
0.12 |
mother of mare 572 Góral XVI–19 |
– |
0.01 |
mother of mare 58 Hroby |
– |
0.63 |
mother of mare 17 Hroby I–8 |
– |
0.02 |
mother of mare Hroby III–12 |
– |
0.13 |
mother of mare 189 Hroby VIII–6 |
– |
0.57 |
mother of mare 444 Hroby XIV–84 |
– |
0.02 |
mother of mare Hroby XIX–18 |
– |
0.01 |
mother of mare 13 Liasa |
0.03 |
0.05 |
mother of mare 16 Pietrosu II–19 |
– |
0.03 |
mother of mare 470 Szachrajka |
1.18 |
0.13 |
mother of mare 76 Taras I |
0.37 |
2.71 |
mother of mare 91 Taras I |
0.53 |
0.14 |
mother of mother of mare Zielonka |
0.25 |
0.02 |
mother of mother of mare 7 Zinka (Slepka. Sliepka. Sarca) 1939 |
– |
2.00 |
mother of stallion Gacek III |
0.59 |
0.07 |
mother of stallion Góral Radawce |
5.15 |
1.87 |
mother of stallion Prislop V |
– |
0.01 |
mother of stallion Wujek |
10.30 |
3.73 |
48 Mulica (Gurgul Milka-Mulka) |
– |
0.33 |
247 Ousor I–1 |
– |
0.07 |
200 Ousor–6 (II) |
– |
0.13 |
175 Ousor-2 |
– |
0.08 |
1 Panca 1906 |
– |
1.24 |
22 Parana 1917 |
0.17 |
0.33 |
53 Ploska (Płoska) |
– |
0.16 |
23 Putila 1917 |
– |
0.68 |
Rodzenka 1929 |
– |
2.69 |
12 Sarata 1913 |
– |
0.35 |
800 Sava 1936 |
– |
0.01 |
Senycia |
4.73 |
0.50 |
8 Taras |
0.13 |
0.04 |
3 Tatarka 1913 |
– |
3.49 |
Wacia |
– |
1.04 |
Węgierka 1934 |
– |
4.96 |
Wilija 1941 |
1.69 |
0.20 |
all |
28.80 |
42.67 |
Foals born in years 1999–2003 derived from 112 horses. On the whole, 34.70% gene pool derived from sire lines founders, 10.82% from female lines founders, 0.32% from mares which female line could be consolidated in Poland, 12.62% from "fathers of mares" and 42.67% from "mothers of stallions". Stallion with the highest contribution was Goral (12.96%), and with the lowest Pietrosu (0.80%) (Table 1).
Foals born in years 1999–2003 derived from 14 founder of female line. Mare with the highest proportion of genes was Wyderka (4.60%). She was mother of stallion Orzech (from Wipczyj) – very widely used in Siary Stud. Mare with the lowest percentage of genes was Czeremcha (0.05%) (Table 2). It is very interesting that 13 other female lines can be consolidated in Poland but all of those 13 mares has very small frequency. The highest contribution of them has Hala – 0.10% (Table 5). There was 13 "fathers of mares" among founders and stallion Bajarz has the highest proportion (2.32%) similarly like in the past (Table 3). The large group of founders are "mothers of stallions" among founders. The highest contribution (4.96%) has mare Węgierka (bay, born 1934) (Table 4) imported to Poland after II World War [6].
Table 5. Contribution genes of mares which can created male line in the future in groups of foals born in years 1951–1955 and 1999–2003 |
genes contribution [%] |
1999–2003 |
588 Bukowina 1935 |
0.01 |
Dukla |
0.05 |
39 Franca (Zuzika) 1944 |
0.01 |
13-49 Frosa |
0.01 |
Gwiazdka 1985 |
0.03 |
Hala 1963 |
0.10 |
241 Hroby VIII |
0.05 |
90 Macocha 1942 |
0.01 |
mother of mare 339 Góral XIII–31 |
0.002 |
mother of mare 193 Hroby X–2 |
0.01 |
mother of mare 340 Ousor IV–13 |
0.02 |
mother of mare 431 Prislop VI–24 |
0.004 |
Ousor XI–33 |
0.01 |
all |
0.32 |
The highest contribution of all founders (14.96%) has stallion Goral, founder of sire line. Within other breeds also can be find founders with large proportion of gene. It was 15.8% in Adalusian horses population [13], 10.74% in Lipizzan horses population [15], and 20% in Przewalski's horses population [12].
It is important that 9.23% of genes derived from horses which traditional names suggested that those founders belong to sire line but their pedigrees are unknown. The same situation was in Lipizzan horses population where 10% of founders genes derived from horses born in private studs and called in traditional way which pedigrees were lost [15].
Contribution of female lines founders was lower then "mothers of stallions" and sire lines founders. Sire lines and female lines had only formal meaning. Within Polish Arabian mares the average proportion of their female lines founders is only 0.58% and their sire lines founders 6.36% [3].
From all 112 founders only 23 (20.54%) had larger contribution than 1% and it is 76.69% of gene pool. The same situation existed in Polish Arabian horses population where 80% genes came from 21% founders [3]. Similarly there is in other populations: 50% genes of living French Trotters came from 1% founders [8], 45% genes of living English horses from England and Ireland came from 6.33% of founders [1], 50% genes of living Lipizzan horses were from 4.15% of founders [1].
It was proofed that Hucul horses
gene pool consisted genes of other breeds/species: Arabian horse (Liktor oo –
father of stallion Tarpan – 0.52% genes), Przewalski's horse (76 Uran – father
of stallion Rokos – 0.01%), Haflinger (99 Campi father of mare Sava – 0.005%),
Fiording (Dychov – father of mare Dychov – 0.002%) and Biłgorajski horses (Runa
– mother of stallion Rokos and mother of stallion Tarpan – 0.53%).
Hucul horses foals born in years 1951–1955 derived from 42 horses. Genes of these horses created
70.34% of all population, remaining percentage of genes didn't survive to contemporary
times. Hucul horses born in years 1999–2003 derived from 112 founders. 4 of them
weren't Hucul horses – Hucul horses genes pool consisted genes of Arabian horse,
Przewalski's horse, Haflinger, Fiording and 2 Biłgorajski horses. The highest
contribution of all founders has founder of sire line stallion Goral. Contribution
of genes of female lines founders was lower than "mothers of stallions" and founders
of sire lines. Sire lines and female lines had only formal meaning. Only 23 from
112 founders of Hucul horses population had proportion of gene higher then 1%.
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Accepted for print: 22.05.2009
Katarzyna Marzenna Kwiecińska
Departament of Animal Genetics and Breeding,
Warsaw University of Life Science – SGGW, Poland
Ciszewskiego 8, 02-786 Warsaw, Poland
Phone: 502042594
email: kejti2002@wp.pl
Halina Purzyc
Department of Morphologigacal Sciences,
Warsaw University of Life Science – SGGW, Poland
Nowoursynowska 159, 02-776 Warsaw, Poland
Responses to this article, comments are invited and should be submitted within three months of the publication of the article. If accepted for publication, they will be published in the chapter headed 'Discussions' and hyperlinked to the article.