Volume 11
Issue 4
Agricultural Engineering
Available Online: http://www.ejpau.media.pl/volume11/issue4/abs-16.html
W³odzimierz Bia³czyk, Anna Cudzik, Jaros³aw Czarnecki, Krzysztof Pieczarka
Institute of Agricultural Engineering,
Wroc³aw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Poland
The paper presents results of traction studies of a tyre
4.00-10 and 5.00-10 (single and double – twin-transformed) on four different
surfaces (soil in the traditional cultivation, a layer of snow, a ground forest
road and a forest road with hardened surface). Maximum traction forces generated
on those surfaces were analyzed as well as the values of traction performances
and coefficients of adherence. The studies showed that twin-transformation of
tyres always results in an increase of traction forces and an increase of the
value of traction performances. The largest traction forces, traction performances
and adherence coefficients were established on a forest road with hardened surface,
whereas the smallest ones – on the snow.
Key words: changeable conditions of exploitation, traction forces, traction performances, tyres.
W³odzimierz Bia³czyk
Institute of Agricultural Engineering,
Wroc³aw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Poland
37/41 Che³mońskiego Street, 51-630 Wroc³aw, Poland
phone: (+48) 71 320 57 06
fax: (+48) 71 348 24 86
email: wlodzimierz.bialczyk@up.wroc.pl
Anna Cudzik
Institute of Agricultural Engineering,
Wroc³aw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Poland
37/41 Che³mońskiego Street, 51-630 Wroc³aw, Poland
phone: (+48) 71 320 57 28
fax: (+48) 71 348 24 86
email: anna.cudzik@up.wroc.pl
Jaros³aw Czarnecki
Institute of Agricultural Engineering,
Wroc³aw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Poland
37/41 Che³mońskiego Street, 51-630 Wroc³aw, Poland
phone: (+48) 71 320 57 26
fax: (+48) 71 348 24 86
email: jaroslaw.czarnecki@up.wroc.pl
Krzysztof Pieczarka
Institute of Agricultural Engineering,
Wroc³aw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Poland
37/41 Che³monskiego Street, 51-630 Wroc³aw, Poland
phone/fax: (+48) 71 320-57-26
email: krzysztof.pieczarka@up.wroc.pl
Responses to this article, comments are invited and should be submitted within three months of the publication of the article. If accepted for publication, they will be published in the chapter headed 'Discussions' and hyperlinked to the article.