Electronic Journal of Polish Agricultural Universities (EJPAU) founded by all Polish Agriculture Universities presents original papers and review articles relevant to all aspects of agricultural sciences. It is target for persons working both in science and industry,regulatory agencies or teaching in agricultural sector. Covered by IFIS Publishing (Food Science and Technology Abstracts), ELSEVIER Science - Food Science and Technology Program, CAS USA (Chemical Abstracts), CABI Publishing UK and ALPSP (Association of Learned and Professional Society Publisher - full membership). Presented in the Master List of Thomson ISI.
Volume 11
Issue 2
Food Science and Technology
Bilska A. , Krysztofiak K. , Uchman W. , Konieczny P. , Fabianowska-Stasiak I. , Pipowski P. 2008. THE EFFECT OF FUNCTIONAL BLENDS ON SHELF LIFE OF MODEL PROCESSED MEATS, EJPAU 11(2), #15.
Available Online: http://www.ejpau.media.pl/volume11/issue2/abs-15.html


Agnieszka Bilska1, Krystyna Krysztofiak1, Waldemar Uchman1, Piotr Konieczny2, Iwona Fabianowska-Stasiak1, Piotr Pipowski1
1 Institute of Meat Technology, University of Life Sciences in Poznań, Poland
2 Department of Food Quality Management, University of Life Sciences in Poznań, Poland



The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of selected functional blends on shelf life of model meat products. Analyses showed that total microbial counts in functional blends did not have a significant effect on the variation of infection in case of sausages produced with their addition. However, in comparison to reference products sausages with a share of analyzed blends exhibited a significantly shorter shelf life. The presence of blends in sausages had a significant effect on the course of lipid changes and contributed to the acceleration of oxidation processes during sausage storage. Obtained results may be useful when determining admissible shelf life of sausages produced with an addition of analyzed functional blends.

Key words: functional blends, shelf life, sausages, quality, additives.

Agnieszka Bilska
Institute of Meat Technology,
University of Life Sciences in Poznań, Poland
Wojska Polskiego 31, 60-624, Poznań, Poland
phone: (+48 61) 846 72 61
email: abilska@au.poznan.pl

Krystyna Krysztofiak
Institute of Meat Technology,
University of Life Sciences in Poznań, Poland
Wojska Polskiego 31, 60-624 Poznan, Poland
phone: (+48 61) 848 75 09

Waldemar Uchman
Institute of Meat Technology,
University of Life Sciences in Poznań, Poland
Wojska Polskiego 31, 60-624, Poznań, Poland
ph: (+48 61) 846 72 61
fax: (+48 61) 846 72 54
email: waluchm@au.poznan.pl

Piotr Konieczny
Department of Food Quality Management,
University of Life Sciences in Poznań, Poland
Wojska Polskiego 31, 60-624 Poznań, Poland
email: pikofood@au.poznan.pl

Iwona Fabianowska-Stasiak
Institute of Meat Technology,
University of Life Sciences in Poznań, Poland
Wojska Polskiego 31, 60-624, Poznań, Poland

Piotr Pipowski
Institute of Meat Technology,
University of Life Sciences in Poznań, Poland
Wojska Polskiego 31, 60-624, Poznań, Poland

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