Volume 10
Issue 4
Civil Engineering
Available Online: http://www.ejpau.media.pl/volume10/issue4/art-41.html
Edyta Malinowska1, Wojciech Sas2, Alojzy Szymański1
1 Department of Geotechnical Engineering,
Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW, Poland
2 Laboratory - Water Centre,
Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW, Poland
Constructions of embankments on soft organic soils cause many problems. Because of their specific properties the organic soils, such as peats, are characterized by a large porosity, small shear strength and a large initial permeability which decrease during consolidation. The main task of an engineer is to predict and calculate the real amount of vertical and horizontal deformations which are relatively large in soft soils. In the deformation process of soil skeleton under loading the porosity decreases and causes the changes of permeability characteristics. Therefore the water flow characteristics are very important to be considered in predicting and calculating the subsoil deformations under load. Also it is found in many papers that the relationship between the water flow velocity and the hydraulic gradient is non linear in the specific range of void ratio depending on the soil properties. In this paper the results of water flow characteristics obtained in laboratory tests are presented.
Key words: nonlinear water flow characteristic, consolidation process, deformations, organic soils, peat.
Embankment dams, particularly tailings dams, are nowadays usually localized in swampy areas where the organic soils, such as peats, are often located. Because of their specific properties construction of engineering structures on soft organic soils causes some problems. One of them is large vertical and horizontal deformations which occur during and after the construction period [10,19]. A small initial shear strength often causes difficulties to achieve the embankment stability. That is why the load should be applied by stages or on the consolidated subsoil. As in other building projects the choice of the construction method is a matter of finding an optimum solution also for economic reasons [3].
During the deformation process under loading the shear strength increases which influences on the embankment stability. The consolidation process depends on distribution of water pore pressure which is connected to permeability [17].
That is why the design, construction and maintenance engineering constructions on organic soils should be preceded by analysis of value and course subsoil deformations and the water pore pressure [9].
Most of the consolidation theories are based on Terzaghi assumptions. The consolidation process described by many authors is supported by assumptions that the water flow characteristic and stress-strain relationships are linear. Nevertheless the previous works have shown that the linear Darcy’s law of the outflow of water from the soil can not be always accepted [7]. There are some limits in using this assumption.
Nevertheless some of the authors like Hansbo [4,5,6], Macioszczyk and Szestakov [10], Kany and Herman [8], Bartholomeeusen in. [2], Malinowska et al. [12,13] indicated that water flow characteristics in soft subsoils are non-linear in different stress values (Fig. 1-2). Having conducted extensive permeability tests on natural soft clays, Tavenas et al [20] found that Darcy’s law is valid in soft clays for hydraulic gradient ranging from 0.1 to 50.0 and the development of primary and secondary consolidation in clay made it almost impossible to verify the validity of Darcy’s law at very small gradients.
Therefore consolidation process depends on non linear relationship between stress – strain [16,17,18] as well as on nonlinear water flow characteristics [14].
Fig. 1. The scheme of permeability law [10] |
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Fig. 2. The relationship between flow velocity and hydraulic gradient for sands [6] |
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Different methods can be used to measure the water flow in saturated soils in the laboratory. They are divided into direct and indirect methods.
It is very important to choose a proper method because of the reliability of the test results, repeatability and reproducibility of the test results, the reconstruction of reflection in-situ conditions, difficulties and costs of the tests. In order to take into consideration these factors it is recommended to use direct laboratory methods to eliminate additional calculation errors. Reliable calculations of deformation process depend on the precise description of water flow characteristics in porous medium. Generally there are two laboratory methods: constant-head method and falling-head one.
Nevertheless in the last years with the technology evaluation the flow-pump technique was considered, initiated by Olsen [15]. The comparison between the flow-pump and constant head techniques was also presented by Aiban and Znidarcic [1], Malinowska and Hyb [12].
Different methods of permeability tests are shown in Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. Different methods of permeability tests: a) constant-head method, b) falling-head method, c) flow-pump technique |
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The main advantage of a direct, flow-pump technique is the time, in which the small, in-situ hydraulic gradients can be applied. Therefore this method has been used to characterize the water flow in peats under loading (Photo 1).
Photo 1. The flow – pump technique standpoint for permeability test: 1 – triaxial cell, 2 – infusion pump, 3 – pressure differential sensor, 4 – steering panel, 5 – registration and recording system |
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Consolidation deformations are the largest in soft organic peats. Therefore it is very important to describe the dependence of consolidation process on the nonlinear water flow in peats under loading.
The test performed on peats samples have shown that low hydraulic gradient creates the nonlinear relationship between the flow velocity and gradient.
The permeability tests have been carried out on peats samples taken from the “Campus SGGW” (Warsaw University of Life Sciences Campus) deposit. The physical properties of tested soil are presented in Table 1.
Table 1. The physical properties of peats from “Campus SGGW” soil deposit |
Properties |
Symbol |
Unit |
Peat |
Water content |
w |
% |
390-420 |
Density of solid particles |
ρ s |
kNm-3 |
15.8 |
Bulk density |
ρ |
kNm-3 |
9.5-14.0 |
Dry density |
ρ d |
kNm-3 |
2.6 |
Organic matter content |
% |
60-80 |
Degree of humification |
R |
% |
60-70 |
The permeability tests contain: saturation, consolidation under different stress conditions, measurement of void ratio, and measurement of hydraulic gradient with the control of back pressure.
The tests were made on peats samples (NNS) taken from “Campus SGGW” test site. There were 221 water flow measurements made on 14 different saturated soil samples with 6 different consolidations stress conditions.
Most of the organic soils do not have a significant stress history. Therefore the effective in situ stress is relatively low because of a high ground water level and a small bulk density. Nevertheless for the comprehensive analysis of peats behaviour under loading, in this paper, the relationship between flow velocity, hydraulic gradient and void ratio is presented in the consolidation range of 10.0 kPa to 80.0kPa (Fig. 4-10).
Fig. 4. The relationship between water flow velocity and hydraulic gradient under 10 kPa consolidation stress |
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Fig. 5. The relationship between water flow velocity and hydraulic gradient under 20 kPa consolidation stress |
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Fig. 6. The relationship between water flow velocity and hydraulic gradient under 30 kPa consolidation stress |
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Fig. 7. The relationship between water flow velocity and hydraulic gradient under 40 kPa consolidation stress |
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Fig. 8. The relationship between water flow velocity and hydraulic gradient under 50 kPa consolidation stress |
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Fig. 9. The relationship between water flow velocity and hydraulic gradient under 60 kPa consolidation stress |
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Fig. 10. The relationship between flow velocity and hydraulic gradient for different values of void ratio |
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Fig. 11. The relationship between flow velocity and hydraulic gradient for different values of void ratio |
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The laboratory test results made by the flow-pump technique have shown that the relationships between the flow velocity and the hydraulic gradient for different void ratios are nonlinear (Fig. 11). According to that, the consolidation process which depends on the flow velocity in porous media should be characterized by nonlinear flow characteristics.
To describe the permeability characteristics the prelineary and postlineary filtration should be considered. The prelineary filtration characterises the flow at very low hydraulic gradient which usually appears in the field. The postlinear filtration characterised the flow at high hydraulic gradient which can appear in rocks or during hydraulic perforation. Similarly phenomenon was observed during laboratory permeability tests under very high consolidation stress in soft organic peats. It causes high value of hydraulic gradient which do not occur in fields.
The test results show that relationship between flow velocity and hydraulic gradient is always nonlinear.
The results allowed describing the relationship between the flow velocity, the hydraulic gradient and the void ratio. The permeability characteristics were elaborated using statistic and the regression function (Fig.12).
Fig. 12. The relationship between flow velocity, hydraulic gradient and void ratio for low hydraulic gradient conditions |
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In the description of the consolidation process of organic soils the nonlinear permeability characteristics describing the pore water outflow from consolidated soils should be taken into consideration using the following relationship:
V = 4.2 ∙ 10-15 ∙ i1.56 ∙ e7.60
where: V – flow velocity [ms-1], i – hydraulic gradient [-], e – void ratio [-].
The analysis of the consolidation process in organic soils indicates large values and a nonlinear character of deformation as well as nonlinear relationship between the flow velocity and the hydraulic gradient. The use of consolidation theory for the prediction of soil displacements under embankments requires taking into consideration the variable soil parameters and permeability depending on the effective stress level and variation in the void ratio during the deformation process.
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Accepted for print: 5.11.2007
Edyta Malinowska
Department of Geotechnical Engineering,
Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW, Poland
Nowoursynowska Str. 159, 02-776 Warsaw, Poland
email: edyta_malinowska@sggw.pl
Wojciech Sas
Laboratory - Water Centre,
Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW, Poland
Nowoursynowska Str. 159, 02-776 Warsaw, Poland
Phone: + 48 22 59 35401
email: wojciech_sas@sggw.pl
Alojzy Szymański
Department of Geotechnical Engineering,
Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW, Poland
Nowoursynowska Str. 159, 02-776 Warsaw, Poland
Phone: + 48 22 59 35401
email: alojzy_szymanski@sggw.pl
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