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Volume 10
Issue 2
Kmieć K. 2007. THE OCCURRENCE OF Macrosiphum rosae (L.) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) ON ROSE SHRUBS IN LUBLIN, EJPAU 10(2), #12.
Available Online: http://www.ejpau.media.pl/volume10/issue2/art-12.html


Katarzyna Kmieć
Department of Entomology, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Poland



The purpose of the studies was to observe the occurrence of Macrosiphum rosae (L.) on roses from different utility groups: wild ones (Rosa rugosa Thunb. and Rosa multiflora Thunb.), park roses (cv. ‘Grandhotel’) and border roses (various cultivars). Observations were conducted in four different sites in the urban green area of Lublin in the years 2001-2003. Macrosiphum rosae was annually observed on the roses of each group and in each site. The first individuals appeared on the analyzed shrubs in April, and colonies were observed on the plants even in December (with favourable weather conditions). The most abundant population of M. rosae was noticed in the road site. In the other sites the aphid population was much smaller and similar. On the species of wild roses (saltsprays and multiflowered ones) the studies observed the summer disappearance of the colonies in each year of the studies, while on noble roses (especially the park rose) aphids remained on the shrubs throughout the vegetation year.

Key words: Macrosiphum rosae (L.), dynamics of number, roses, urban conditions, weather.


Macrosiphum rosae (L.) is a widespread species in most regions of the world, whereas in Poland it commonly occurs in the area of the whole country [1, 25]. Aphids are observed in two colourful races: green and rosy-brown ones (Photo 1). It is a holocyclic, host alternating and olyphagous species [4]. As for its feeding preferences, it is connected with roses (Rosa L.) as the primary host, and with plants from families Dipsacacea and Valerianaceaea [25]. In the conditions of hot climate this species is completely anholocyclic [1]. In Poland it is stated to occur on roses in the greatest numbers [10, 11].

Photo 1. Two colorful races of Macrosiphum rosae (L.) – green and rosy

The purpose of the studies was to observe the dynamics of number of M. rosae on saltspray rose, multiflowered rose, park rose cv. Grandhotel and on different varieties of border roses growing in four different sites in the green area of Lublin.


Observations were conducted in the years 2001-2003. Four sites were chosen for the studies: road site (A), street site (B), housing estate (C) and park site (D). The monitoring included rose shrubs belonging to the following groups: border roses (various cultivars), wild ones (saltspray rose – Rosa rugosa Thunb., multiflowered rose – Rosa multiflora Thunb.), park rose (cv. Grandhotel). The population dynamics of aphids was described using the commonly accepted methods [10, 12].


The dynamics of number of M. rosae is presented in Figures 1-4. The total number of this aphid on the particular sites in the years 2001-2003 is shown in Fig. 5, whereas the percentage contribution of sites in total number of aphids in particular years is shown in Fig. 6.

In 2001 the first individual family founders were observed in the 2nd decade of April. Warm May with the rainfall within the norm favoured the development of aphids in particular sites. A high aphid population (over 900 individuals/shrub) was exceptionally noticed in the road site on the park rose ‘Grandhotel’ between the 3rd decade of May and the 3rd of June (maximally 1396.3 aphids/shrub during the first decade of June) (Fig. 1). From the beginning of June till the end of October a small number of aphids or a complete disappearance of the colonies were observed on the analyzed rose shrubs, with an exception of the saltspray rose and the park rose in the housing estate. Numerous colonies (especially on the saltspray rose) were observed on the shrubs of these roses (Fig. 2). A complete disappearance of aphids took place in the 3rd decade of November.

Fig 1. Dynamics of number of M. rosae on park rose ‘Grandhotel’ in the years 2001-2003

Fig 2. Dynamics of number of M. rosae on saltspray rose in the years 2001-2003

In 2002, after an exceptionally mild winter and an early and warm spring, the first aphids were observed as early as in the 3rd decade of March (Figs. 1-2). A warm and dry spring and a hot summer did not, however, favour the dynamic development of aphids. Aphid colonies were less numerous than in 2001. In summer a complete disappearance of aphids of this species was observed on most shrubs. In autumn, scarce individuals were noticed but they stayed on the shrubs only till the end of October (Figs. 1-4).

In 2003, after a frosty winter, the vegetation season was delayed and it began rapidly at the end of April. The first aphids were found on roses not before the 2nd decade of May (Figs. 1-3). Scarce aphids remained irregularly on the shrubs of the salspray rose till the 3rd decade of November (Fig. 2). Despite the delayed vegetation, the development of aphids on the park rose ‘Grandhotel’ was very dynamic. The population of aphids in all the sites was much more abundant as compared with the year 2002. In August the summer disappearance of aphids took place on most shrubs. Those insects were observed again between the beginning of September and the 2nd decade of December (Fig. 1). On the multiflowered rose the aphids were observed between the 2nd decade of May and the 3rd of July, and their population was similar to that of previous years (Fig. 3). On the other hand, on the border rose singular individuals of M. rosae were observed between the end of May and the end of October. However, their presence on particular shrubs in particular sites was very irregular (Fig. 4).

Fig 3. Dynamics of number of M. rosae on multiflowered rose in the years 2001-2003

Fig 4. Dynamics of number of M. rosae on border roses in the years 2001-2003

The course of the weather has a significant impact on the occurrence of aphids and the dynamics of their population [7, 9, 26, 28]. A warm early spring and spring itself, after a mild winter, hasten the hatch of the larvae of the family founders. On the other hand, a long and frosty winter and a late period of vegetation delay the appearance of aphids even by a few weeks [12, 13]. As stated by Ruszkowska [22], a properly higher temperature increases the fertility of females as well as shortening the period of generation maturation. However, too high temperature (exceeding 30°) and drought have a negative effect on aphid development. A long and warm autumn favours laying the eggs by oviparae [12].

Photo 2. The compact colony of Macrosiphum rosae (L.) on the shoot of park rose ‘Grandhotel’

Photo 3. The colony of Macrosiphum rosae (L.) on shoot top of border rose

In the authors’ own studies M. rosae colonized most numerous the rose shrubs growing in the road site (with potentially the highest antroporessure), constituting as much as 48% of the total number of the observed aphids of this species. In the other sites the population of these aphids was comparable: street site – 17%, housing estate – 20%, and park site – 15% (Fig. 5). The percentage contribution of particular sites in total number of aphids in the years 2001-2003 is shown in Fig. 6. The studies usually observed big, compact colonies of this species, which colonized the shoot tops (Photo 3), the bottom part of the leaf blades, petioles and flower buds (Photo 2). The presented results confirm the information found in references.

Fig 5. Total number of M. rosae on particular sites in the years 2001-2003 (in specimens/site)

Fig 6. Percentage contribution of particular sites in total number of aphids in the years 2001-2003

Many years’ observations performed by numerous authors made it possible to state that the city creates specific conditions for the development of entomofauna [3, 5, 14, 27]. Under the effect of stress (e.g. drought, air pollution and others), changes in the composition of metabolites take place in plant tissues. The content of soluble aminoacids and monosaccharides increases, which leads to increased attractiveness of the plants as the food for arthropod species with stinging-sucking mouth apparatus [21]. A number of papers showed a much more numerous colonization of plants by aphids and other stinging-sucking arthropod species in the areas of strong antropopressure, for example in the sites in the vicinity of busy streets or big industrial works as compared to the areas of much smaller degradation [5, 6, 8, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 24, 27]. The papers by Chudzicka [3], Czechowska et al. [6] and Rychlik [23] showed a relation between the type of green area and the aphid population. The stronger antroporessure in a site, the more abundant population of those insects was found out.


  1. Macrosiphum rosae (L.) was annually observed on the roses of each utility group and in each site, which testifies to the commonness of their occurrence.

  2. The first individuals appeared on the analyzed shrubs in April, and colonies were observed on the plants even in December (with favourable weather conditions).

  3. The most abundant population of M. rosae was noticed in the road site. In the other sites the aphid population was similar.

  4. On the species of wild roses (saltsprays and multiflowered ones) the studies observed the summer disappearance of the colonies in each year of the studies, while on noble roses (especially the park rose) aphids remained on the shrubs throughout the vegetation season. It points probably to the facultative migration onto the summer host.


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Accepted for print: 12.03.2007

Katarzyna Kmieć
Department of Entomology,
University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Poland
7 Leszczynskiego Street
20-069 Lublin, Poland
Phone: +48 81 52 48 135, +48 81 52 48 165
email: katarzyna.kmiec@up.lublin.pl

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