Alphabetical Authors List

Amir Hossein Mirzabe

Current affiliation

Department of Mechanical Engineering of Biosystems, College of Agriculture & Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Telephone: 098 3153239185
Cell phone: 0989399442161


List of publications in EJPAU

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Available Online
Discipline Title
24(1) #02
25 Jan 2021
Agricultural Engineering
citation  abstract  html 
24(1) #01
20 Jan 2021
Agricultural Engineering
citation  abstract  html 
23(3) #03
28 Sep 2020
Agricultural Engineering
citation  abstract  html 
23(2) #02
30 Jun 2020
Agricultural Engineering
citation  abstract  html 
23(2) #01
05 May 2020
citation  abstract  html 

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