Electronic Journal of Polish Agricultural Universities (EJPAU) founded by all Polish Agriculture Universities presents original papers and review articles relevant to all aspects of agricultural sciences. It is target for persons working both in science and industry,regulatory agencies or teaching in agricultural sector. Covered by IFIS Publishing (Food Science and Technology Abstracts), ELSEVIER Science - Food Science and Technology Program, CAS USA (Chemical Abstracts), CABI Publishing UK and ALPSP (Association of Learned and Professional Society Publisher - full membership). Presented in the Master List of Thomson ISI.
Volume 19
Issue 4/volume19
Wolski K. , Talar-Krasa M. , ¦wierszcz S. , Biernacik M. , Dradrach A. , Szymura M. 2016. VISUAL AND FUNCTIONAL EVALUATION OF FOOTBALL TURF, EJPAU 19(4/volume19), #01.
Available Online: http://www.ejpau.media.pl/volume19/issue4/volume19/abs-01.html


Karol Wolski, Marta Talar-Krasa, Sebastian ¦wierszcz, Magdalena Biernacik, Agnieszka Dradrach, Magdalena Szymura
Department of Agroecosystems and Green Areas Management, Wroc³aw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Poland



Preparation of the turf surface of the football field directly affected on quality and spectacular aspects of the game. Appropriate species selection, pratotechnical treatments and pitch exploitation have influence on the high functional and visual turf advantages. This paper is an original research work with data from 10 years, containing sport turf assessment carried out according to the visual and functional methods and the COBORU classification system. Research was conducted from 2002 to 2011 at the Training Centre for ASA of Polish national women's football in Wroc³aw. The study includes analysis changes in the species composition after 10 years intensive pitch exploitation and the evaluation of turf quality on the difficult parts of pitch in the particular seasons of observation. Research can be the basis for the development of recommendations for the construction and maintenance of sports fields in Poland. Results confirmed the relationship between selections of mixture of the grasses and intensity of use on the visual and functional quality of sport turfgrass. Value of evaluations depending of part of football field and date of observation.

Key words: football field, functional quality of turf, visual evaluation, turfgrasses, sod.

Karol Wolski
Department of Agroecosystems and Green Areas Management, Wroc³aw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Poland
phone: (+48) 71 320 16 51
Grunwaldzki 24A
50-363 Wroc³aw
email: karol.wolski@up.wroc.pl

Marta Talar-Krasa
Department of Agroecosystems and Green Areas Management, Wroc³aw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Poland
Grunwaldzki 24A
50-363 Wroc³aw

Sebastian ¦wierszcz
Department of Agroecosystems and Green Areas Management, Wroc³aw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Poland
Grunwaldzki 24A
50-363 Wroc³aw

Magdalena Biernacik
Department of Agroecosystems and Green Areas Management, Wroc³aw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Poland
Grunwaldzki 24A
50-363 Wroc³aw

Agnieszka Dradrach
Department of Agroecosystems and Green Areas Management, Wroc³aw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Poland
Grunwaldzki 24A
50-363 Wroc³aw

Magdalena Szymura
Department of Agroecosystems and Green Areas Management, Wroc³aw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Poland
Grunwaldzki 24A
50-363 Wroc³aw

Responses to this article, comments are invited and should be submitted within three months of the publication of the article. If accepted for publication, they will be published in the chapter headed 'Discussions' and hyperlinked to the article.