Electronic Journal of Polish Agricultural Universities (EJPAU) founded by all Polish Agriculture Universities presents original papers and review articles relevant to all aspects of agricultural sciences. It is target for persons working both in science and industry,regulatory agencies or teaching in agricultural sector. Covered by IFIS Publishing (Food Science and Technology Abstracts), ELSEVIER Science - Food Science and Technology Program, CAS USA (Chemical Abstracts), CABI Publishing UK and ALPSP (Association of Learned and Professional Society Publisher - full membership). Presented in the Master List of Thomson ISI.
Volume 12
Issue 4
Animal Husbandry
Available Online: http://www.ejpau.media.pl/volume12/issue4/art-26.html


Piotr Czyżowski, Mirosław Karpiński, Leszek Drozd, Katarzyna Tajchman
Department of Pet Breeding and Wildlife Management, University of Lifes Science in Lublin, Poland



We aimed to evaluate the usefulness of biometric measurements for determining the individual condition of the European Roe Deer, Capreolus capreolus. The study included 153 female Roe Deer obtained in Autumn 2007 in Warmia and Mazury region. We measured carcasses supplied to the purchase center in Zwierzyniec using a zoometric stick and measurement tape. Division into 4 weight classes was accepted for this study due to the objective difficulties associated with the age life evaluation of wild Roe Deer. General measurements characterizing the development of particular body parts were taken into account during the evaluation: chest depth, chest width, and chest circumference. The measurement-based calculations allowed us to determine the chest capacitance index (CI) and we determined the variability between particular biometric measurements by calculating correlation coefficients. We confirmed differences in body weight among Roe Deer from the northeastern (Podlasie) and Warmia and Mazury areas of Poland. We found a mean value of 66.4% for the CI of female Roe Deer. This value was apparently higher in the second weight class (P ≤ 0.05), which was reflected in a characteristic oval shape of the chest and an apparent elongation in the 2 following classes. We found significant positive dependencies between carcass weight and the values of all biometric parameters.

Key words: Roe Deer, biometric, individual condition, body size.


Fitting the population size to the nutritional requirements of a hunting ground is the basis of rational hunting management. The individual condition of the animals is one of the parameters reflecting the appropriate density of wild ungulates in a hunting ground, which can be determined from body weight and size, trophy quality, or fat tissue reserves [3,4,9,11]. 2008). Biometric methods of evaluating breeding value are successfully applied for farm animals [1,2,16], whereas the biometric measurements of wild animals are more difficult to perform using the life method and measurements are usually made post mortem [7]. Based on biometric measurements, the selective parameters can be calculated indicating the development of bone and muscle, the respiratory tract, and cardiac-vessel system, as well as the growth rate and somatic type of an animal [5,8].

In general, the present selection criteria for deer are applied exclusively to males and do not take into account the individual condition of females, which are equally responsible for the transmission of qualitative traits within a population. In practice, it is difficult to evaluate the individual quality of female Roe Deer under field conditions. Therefore, the setting criteria for obtaining the measurements may be based only on the animal's profile evaluation [10]. We aimed to evaluate the usefulness of biometric measurements for determining the individual condition of Roe Deer.


The study area included forests of the Regional Directorate of the State Forests in Olsztyn. According to the natural forest division of Poland [19], based on ecological and physiographical grounds, the study area is localized within 4 areas: Bałtycka (districts 7 and 8), Mazursko-Podlaska (districts 1 and 2), Wielkopolsko-Pomorska (district 3), Mazowiecko-Podlaska (districts 1, 4, and 5). The localization of forests in several natural lands is reflected in the soil fertility, land conformation, and climate. The climate in the western part of the Regional Directorate of the State Forests is shaped by a Bałtyk Sea influence, whereas apparent continental influences occur in the East. The 200-210 day period of vegetation in the western area was shortened to 190–200 days in the northeastern area. The mean annual temperature in Olecko was 6°C, 1°C less than the mean temperature in Nowe Miasto. The average annual precipitation ranged from 540 mm near Ryn and Sępopol to almost 700 mm in Elbląg and Górowo Iławeckie. Significant soil variability and diversified land sculpture, particularly in the central part of the Regional Directorate of the State Forests, considerably decreased the agricultural value of the soil. The index of agricultural production for the area was not different from that for the whole of Poland. Arable lands made up 54% of the area, and 29% of the area was occupied by forests, 6% by water, and 8% by roads and built-up areas. The share of green lands exceeded the area of orchards and arable lands. Pine dominated the species composition of the forests (77%) and the percentage of other species was much lower: 6% birch, 6% spruce, and 5% oak. Fresh mixed coniferous forest (41%) and fresh mixed forest (30%) dominated the forest habitats.

We studied 153 female European Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus) obtained in Autumn 2007 in Warmia and Mazury, Poland. We measured carcasses supplied to the purchase center in Zwierzyniec using a zoometric stick and measuring tape. The Roe Deer were weighed, after disemboweling, with a precision of 0.1 kg. General measurements characterizing the development of particular body parts were taken into account during the evaluation (Fig. 1). The measurements were made by one person in room with 5°C temperature, measurement preciseness, with a precision of  0.1 cm.

Fig. 1. Scheme indication measurements rules

The chest depth was the distance from the sternum at elbow protuberances to the highest point at the withers and was measured using a zoometric stick. The chest width was determined by three measurements of the hanging carcass using a zoometric stick due to objective difficulties with life zoometric measuring. The three measurements were on the level of the fifth rib behind the elbow protuberance; on the costal arch, which is important from a physiological point of view; and the shoulder protuberances because the conformation of the shoulder girdle ensures a stable measurement and is constant and adequate for the anatomy regardless of the transport type. The chest circumference was measured around the trunk just behind the elbow protuberances using a zoometric measurement tape. The measurement-based calculations determined the chest capacitance index (CI) according to the formula: CI = (mean width of chest/chest depth)x100.

The CI indicates chest shape, the closer the value is to 100 the more circular the shape. An analysis of biometric parameter changes in the Roe Deer was performed and then compared to results from other regions in Poland [5] using variance analysis and the difference between means. Variability between particular biometric measurements was determined by calculating correlation coefficients. Division into weight classes was accepted [5] due to the objective difficulties associated with the age life evaluation of wild Roe Deer. We made the divisions based on particular biometric index changes, namely the dependence between body weight and CI, and using the polynomial trend line constructed on that basis (Fig. 2). The first class included the youngest animals with a weight not exceeding 10 kg and CI below 70%. The second weight class referred to 10.1–13.0 kg body weight and a maximum CI. The third weight class assumed the range of 13.1–17.0 kg, which had a slightly lower CI. The trend line declined in the fourth weight class, which included a body weight greater than 17 kg.

Fig. 2. Correlation between body mass and chest capacitance index


The mean weight of female Roe Deer obtained in the Warmia and Mazury region was 14.3 kg (Table 1). The average chest depth, circumference, and width were 21.1 cm, 61.5 cm, and 13.9 cm, respectively. The mean CI was 66.4%. An analysis of the mean chest circumference revealed a gradual increase in subsequent weight classes (Table 2).

Table 1. Values from the biometric examination of roe deer (mean ± SEM; range) from the Warmia and Mazury regions

±  SEM


Body mass (kg)

14.3 ± 0.27

7.6 – 24.0

Chest depth (cm)

21.1 ± 0.26

14.0 – 28.5

Chest circumference (cm)

61.5 ± 0.44

49.0 – 71.0

Chest width (fifth rib, cm)

11.6 ± 0.19

9.0 - 16.0

Chest width (costal arch) (cm)

16.4 ± 0.23

12.0 – 22.0

Chest width (shoulder protuberances, cm)

13.7 ± 0.44

10.0 – 18.0

Average chest width (cm)

13.9 ± 0.16

9.0- 22.0

Chest capacitance index

66.4 ± 0.61

54.0 – 85.7

Table 2. The average value (mean ± SEM) in biometric parameters (cm) in weight classes

Weight class


Chest circum-ference

Chest width (fifth rib)

Chest width (costal arch)

Chest width (shoulder protuberances)

Chest depth

Chest capacitance index



52.0 ± 0.45

10.8 ± 0.35

15.0 ± 0.38

11.4 ± 0.13

19.8 ± 0.11

62.6*±  1.15



58.0 ± 0.32

10.5 ± 0.38

15.3 ± 0.32

12.8 ± 0.48

18.8 ± 0.38

69.1* ± 1.47



63.5 ± 0.34

11.8 ± 0.23

16.9 ± 0.26

14.1 ± 0.25

21.3 ± 0.28

66.9* ± 0.57



68.0 ± 0.38

13.2 ± 0.36

17.8 ± 0.37

15.6 ± 0.29

24.7 ± 0.38

63.0*± 0.73

* P ≤ 0.05

Chest width varied depending on the type of measurement. The chest width measured at the level of the fifth rib was decreased in the second weight class when compared to the first class (Fig. 3), but it gradually increased in subsequent classes. The chest width measured at the costal arch also changed slightly in the second weight class with a significant increase in subsequent classes. A continuous increase in the chest width was observed in subsequent classes at the level of the shoulder protuberances. Chest depth measurements indicated a decrease in the second weight class and an apparent increase in the third and fourth classes (Fig. 4).

Fig. 3. Chest width changes

Fig. 4. Chest depth changes

Correlation coefficients for body weight and particular biometric parameters were calculated to determine the dependence between goats condition and body dimensions (Table 3). We found significant positive dependencies between carcass weight and all biometric parameters. The correlation coefficient between body weight and CI was negative and insignificant (r = -0.152, ns).

Table 3. Correlation coefficients between body mass and other measurements

Chest capacity index

Chest depth

Chest circumference

Chest width (fifth rib)

Chest width (shoulder protuberances)

Chest width (costal arch)

Body mass







* P ≤ 0.05

Fig. 5. Chest capacitance index changes

Changes in the mean CI were observed in subsequent weight classes (Fig. 5) with a higher value in the second weight class (P ≤ 0.05), which was reflected in the characteristic oval shape of the chest and its apparent decrease in the following classes with an elongated chest shape.


We found that, in Poland, the mean weight of Roe Deer greatly varies depending on the region. According to Pielowski [15], Roe Deer living in the western part of the country weigh approximately 15 kg, whereas Roe Deer from the areas surrounding Warszawa and Lublin weigh approximately 18 kg. Drozd et al. [5] previously reported that the average weight of female Roe Deer carcasses from the Podlasie region was 17.7 kg. Both our own and other studies have confirmed differences in the body weight of Roe Deer from the northeastern (Podlasie) and Warmia and Mazury areas of Poland. These differences are probably the result of distinct climates: Atlantic in the Warmia and Mazury region and continental in the northeastern region of Poland, which is consistent with Bergman's rule.

We observed wide ranges for parameters such as body weight or body size among individuals, which can confirm the different reactions of an organism towards negative nutritional conditions [12,14]. Body weight is considered to be the factor that reflects the animal's individual condition; however, studies of the influence of body weight on the deer's condition [18] have shown that body weight indicates the phenotypic quality rather than individual condition. In addition, traits determining the individual condition may vary through the seasons and depends on the nutrient deficiency and physiological status of an organism, such as pregnancy or helminthiasis [13,17]. Therefore, determining the constant index describing the animal's condition would eliminate errors associated with these factors.

The negative correlation between carcass weight and CI is interesting. The results of earlier examinations [5,8] confirm that a negative dependence exists and manifests as a slimmer and deeper chest with an increase in body weight. The chest shape is closely dependent on physiological features, namely the circulatory system [6], which directly affects the organism’s condition.

We found that an increase in chest biometric parameters, the capacity, depth, and width, was correlated with body weight, which was similar to previous experiments [20] in which these parameters were correlated with fat resources. These findings confirm the hypothesis that an increase in the biometric parameters of a chest, such as capacity, depth, and width, indicates an increase in the individual condition of hunting animals.


  1. Increase the biometric parameters of a chest, such as capacity, depth, and width, indicates an increase in the individual condition of female Roe Deer.

  2. The negative correlation between carcass weight and CI was indicated.

  3. Assessment of a female Roe Deer silhouette is of practical value for the hunting practice as it aids in assigning an animal into a suitable weight class and thus, facilitates the correct selective evaluation.


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Accepted for print: 11.12.2009

Piotr Czyżowski
Department of Pet Breeding and Wildlife Management,
University of Lifes Science in Lublin, Poland
Akademicka 13, 20-950 Lublin, Poland
Phone: 048 081 445 68 89
email: piotr.czyzowski@up.lublin.pl

Mirosław Karpiński
Department of Pet Breeding and Wildlife Management,
University of Lifes Science in Lublin, Poland
Akademicka 13, 20-950 Lublin, Poland
Phone: 048 081 445 68 89
email: miroslaw.karpinski@up.lublin.pl

Leszek Drozd
Department of Pet Breeding and Wildlife Management,
University of Lifes Science in Lublin, Poland
Akademicka 13, 20-950 Lublin, Poland
Phone: 048 81 445 68 83
email: leszek.drozd@up.lublin.pl

Katarzyna Tajchman
Department of Pet Breeding and Wildlife Management,
University of Lifes Science in Lublin, Poland
Akademicka 13, 20-950 Lublin, Poland
Phone: 048 081 445 68 83
email: katarzyna.tajchman@up.lublin.pl

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